
Attending an education setting is an important point of stability and security for all children and young people overseen by Manchester Virtual School. Beyond that, being in education gives children and young people the best possible chance to learn, make friends, and succeed academically. That’s why we have high expectations for attendance and punctuality for all our children and young people.

The Manchester Virtual School is committed to working with parents and carers, education settings, social workers and other professionals, in their work to support young people, to overcome barriers to attendance.

Where an issue with attendance is identified, strategies to support and encourage improvement should be developed and implemented, with the evidence being recorded within any appropriate plan. For example, within the PEP for the children and young people in our care, and within other support plans for those children not in our care but supported by our other services (such as Child in Need, Child Protection or Youth Justice plans).


Emotional Barriers to School Attendance (EBSA)

Emotional barriers to school attendance (EBSA) refers to the challenges faced by children and young people who have difficulty in attending school due to emotional factors. Some children are more likely to experience emotional barriers to school attendance, including looked-after children and previously looked-after children.

For more information relating to EBSA, One Education’s Educational Psychologists have produced further guidance which can be found here