Every possible action should be taken by all partners to ensure that looked after children, and other children and young people overseen by Manchester Virtual School, are never permanently excluded and that suspensions are avoided.
If there are any exceptional changes to a looked after child or young person’s circumstances, which could impact upon their ability to engage with learning at any point in the school year, this should trigger a PEP review meeting to avoid the risk of suspension or permanent exclusion.
The parents, carers, social worker and a member of the Manchester Virtual School team, should be invited to any exclusion, disciplinary or support meetings to advocate for the child or young person and to ensure that all decisions are about the young person’s education are appropriate and are fully informed by all of the available information.
If a child has an EHCP (Education Health and Care Plan) and is at risk of exclusion, the education setting should undertake a review of the EHCP before taking further action.