Pupil Premium Payment

Payment of School Age and Post 16 Pupil Premium Plus (PP+) and Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP)

The Manchester Virtual School and Manchester City Council Finance Teams are committed to ensuring that PP+ and EYPP payments are made as swiftly and smoothly as possible. We will send out the MCC Vendor Form to all settings where children and young people in the care of Manchester are on roll. These forms should be completed by the Designated Teacher or Head teacher and returned to the Manchester Virtual School via [email protected]

The vendor form will ask each setting to provide a letter on the setting’s letter-headed note paper which confirms:

  • The setting’s Bank Account Name

  • The setting’s Bank Account Number

  • The setting’s Sort Code

  • A copy of a setting’s bank statement (with transactions redacted) or paying-in slip

Designated Teachers should let the bursar or finance officer know how much PP+ or EYPP has been claimed for each child or young person in their termly PEP so that they are aware of how much funding they should expect to receive for each young person.

Termly deadlines

To ensure that there are no delays and termly payments can be made in a timely way, we ask that PEPs are submitted to the Virtual School by the termly PEP deadline dates which are published in each child’s ePEP.  

If you require any further information, please contact the Virtual School Business Support Office, via [email protected]