Meet the Team
Each member of the Manchester Virtual School Team has an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the care system, alongside many years’ experience working with other services to support children and young people, including those with special educational needs or disabilities.
Our team consists of qualified teachers with the experience of teaching across different settings and key stages. We also have inclusion advisers, as well as data, finance and business support colleagues.
Our shared ambition is to support the children and young people overseen by the Virtual School to succeed in education, employment and training (EET). We put the voice of the child at the heart of everything we do, working collaboratively with a wide range of professionals to ensure every child can achieve their full potential.
The Virtual School Leadership Team
Jane Johnson Virtual School Headteacher
Lynn Girvan Virtual School Deputy Head
Carolyn Derbyshire Virtual School Deputy Head
John Husselbee Virtual School Lead for the Education of Children with a Social Worker
Jane Johnson
John Husselbee
Lynn Girvan
Lynn Girvan
Carolyn Derbyshire
Carolyn Derbyshire