PEP Meeting Advice
The PEP meeting is an opportunity to discuss the child’s academic progress, the support they need to reach their goals, as well as the notable achievements and milestones they have already accomplished.
The Manchester Virtual School has put together “5 Top Tips” for a successful PEP meeting.
Do not disturb
Notify colleagues you will not be available. Put a sign on the door so you will not be interrupted. Ensure that the young person feels comfortable being in the room.
Put the kettle on
Offer tea or coffee before the meeting begins. This can help to break the ice and put everyone at ease. Then, you can get started with the introductions.
Get scribbling
Put pen to paper and record the conversation as the meeting takes place. This reassures people that you are listening and taking their views into account.
Take a strengths-based approach
Always begin by asking, “what is working well?” This is valuable information to inform future plans. It is also important to celebrate the young person’s successes!
Next steps
End the meeting by summarising the actions for all involved. Remember to agree on the date for the next PEP meeting.
During the meeting
We advocate a strengths-based approach to the PEP process, focusing on the young person’s successes and allowing professionals to put positive support in place. The PEP meeting should be led by the following three questions:
What is working well?
What are we worried about?
What needs to happen?
The PEP discussion should also be informed by the SMART targets within the young person’s previous PEP, the information collected in the round robin, and the views, wishes and feelings of the young person.
Please keep the PEP meeting as interactive as possible giving everyone a chance to contribute. The ePEP template is there to help structure your conversation. The Designated Teacher and Social Worker may, from their conversations with and knowledge of the young person be able to complete some sections in advance of the meeting. This information should be discussed with all parties during the meeting. Please note that there are some mandatory sections which must be completed before the PEP can be submitted.
After the meeting
Social workers and Designated Teachers are equally responsible for ensuring an accurate record of the meeting is documented within the child’s ePEP. This should be completed within ten days of the child’s termly PEP meeting taking place.
Each academic year, the Manchester Virtual School sets termly PEP submission dates which are prominently displayed within each child’s ePEP template. This is to ensure each child’s PEP record remains relevant and up-to-date and supports the timely payment of Pupil Premium Plus funding to education settings.
PEP Checklist
The Manchester Virtual School has put together a checklist outlining the responsibilities of Social Workers and Designated Teachers before, during, and after the meeting. Download available below.