Wellbeing Support
The majority of young people benefit from secure attachments with their primary caregivers, which contributes to greater emotional regulation, social competence, resilience and academic outcomes. However, some children experience significant challenges during their early years, which can lead to insecure attachments and trauma.
Research shows that looked-after children and previously looked-after children and other children and young people overseen by the Manchester Virtual School, are more likely to experience a range of social, emotional and mental health issues than their peers. This can have a huge impact on their behaviour and education.
We encourage all parents, carers, and caring professionals to consider how trauma and attachment can affect children’s mental health, learning and development. This is essential to ensure our children and young people can access education and acquire the skills to thrive.
Useful Links
Manchester Inclusion Strategy Toolkit – A Guide for Parents and Carer - Parent-and-Carer-Toolkit
Manchester Local Offer - What is the Manchester Local Offer? | Help & Support Manchester
We’re about all things SEND (special educational needs and disabilities) for children and young people up to the age of 25 in the Manchester City Council area and their parents/carers.
Adoption UK - Adoption UK Charity
Through our membership and public events, we support and connect adopted people, adoptive parents, prospective adopters and the community around children who cannot live with their birth parents.
The leading kinship care charity in England and Wales. We’re here for kinship carers – friends or family who step up to raise a child when their parents aren’t able to. Let’s commit to change for kinship families.
Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families
Anna Freud provides advice, guidance, training, and free resources supporting children’s mental health.
Beacon House
A therapeutic service that provides information and resources to support those who have experienced loss and trauma.
Centre of Excellence in Child Trauma
An organisation that combines resources, research and knowledge from experts in the field of child trauma.
This website provides accessible information for carers and other professionals supporting young people in out of home care.