Pupil Premium FAQs
Below, you can find answers to frequently asked questions around Pupil Premium Plus (PP+).
What can Pupil Premium be used for?
Pupil Premium funding can be used for any intervention that will have a positive impact on the educational outcomes of the child in care. As each child will have their own unique set of needs, it is difficult to provide a definitive list of interventions. However, the education setting should know which strategies and support would best suit the needs of the child.
Does the young person have a say in how the PP+ is spent?
The young person’s views, wishes and feelings about their education must be central to the PEP process and help to inform their termly SMART targets. In consultation with the Virtual School, the setting will then determine how the funding can be best deployed to help the young person meet these targets.
Can a foster carer or residential children’s home worker determine how the PP+ is spent?
Foster carers and residential home staff play a crucial role in contributing to the discussions within the PEP meetings. However, it is ultimately up to the education setting in consultation with the Virtual School, to determine how the PP+ will be used and to be accountable for the outcomes achieved.
What happens if the child is dual rolled with another school?
If one of our children is dual rolled, for example in alternative provision, the termly PP+ instalments will be paid to the school which is registered as the principal base. It is expected that the PEP process will involve both settings and, in consultation with the Virtual School, both will determine and record how the PP+ funding is to be used to support them to achieve their SMART targets.
What happens if a child changes education settings during the academic year?
The education setting that submitted the most recent PEP will be in receipt of that term’s funding. The receiving setting should liaise with the previous setting to arrange for the transfer of remaining funds, or any resources that have previously been purchased for the young person. This applies to education settings both in Manchester and in other local authorities.
When a young person changes education setting between two termly PP+ payments, the local authority will always endeavour to ensure the second payment is made to their new education setting.
What happens if a child comes into care mid-year?
When a child comes into care mid-year, PP+ funding will be allocated to their education setting on the receipt and approval of their first completed PEP. This first PEP should take place within 20 days of the young person coming into care.
What happens if the young person is on track to meet national age-related expectations?
When a young person is assessed to be on track to achieve national age-related expectations, every effort should be made to support them to make accelerated progress. Where resources or interventions are required to achieve this, it may be necessary to use PP+ funding.
As with all children and young people in local authority care, work should be ongoing to support them to develop and pursue their aspirations. This may involve using PP+ funding to enable the young person to access specific opportunities which will widen their experiences and support them in pursuing their goals.
Can PP+ be used to fund residential trips?
If the education setting assesses that by supporting the young person to participate in a residential trip, they will be supported in their learning, it may be appropriate for a proportion of the PP+ to be used towards the cost. The intended impact of the trip on the child’s learning in a particular curriculum area should be clearly outlined as a SMART target within their PEP. Other available funding streams to support this type of activity should also be considered for example the Foster Carer’s Allowance.
Can PP+ be used to buy laptops or other devices?
It may be appropriate for a proportion for the PP+ to be used towards the cost of a device such as a laptop, tablet, camera or a particular piece of software. The education setting must demonstrate through a SMART target within the PEP how this will support the young person to achieve the best possible outcomes across the curriculum or in a specific piece of work. The education setting must also confirm proof of purchase by recording this within the child’s PEP.
Resources that have been bought with PP+ funding will go with the young person when they move to a new education setting.
Can PP+ be used to fund training in a young person’s education setting?
If a child or young person requires a specific intervention to support them in education, it may be necessary for the setting’s staff to receive training to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding. For example, this may include training to develop a whole setting understanding of early childhood trauma and attachment. In these cases, it may be appropriate to use a proportion of the PP+ to fund specific training. The intended outcome for the young person should be detailed as a SMART target within their PEP.
Can PP+ be used to fund a post such as Designated Teacher, teaching assistant, or pastoral staff member?
PP+ funding must not be used to fund the post of the Designated Teacher for looked-after and previously looked-after children or the SENDCo, as these positions are both statutory requirements.
Education settings should not use PP+ to fund a permanent position within a staffing structure. This is because funding needs to respond flexibly to the changing needs of each child and young person, which may include needs that a single member of staff is unable to meet. However, there may be instances where PP+ funding can be used to support work with a young person, if it can be clearly demonstrated that a member staff is making a significant contribution to promoting their educational achievement. This provision should be over and above what is universally available to them, for example, access to a tutor, learning mentor or sports coach. This type of support may only be required for a limited time period so should always be treated as a temporary arrangement. It must be reviewed as necessary through SMART targets and the termly PEP review cycle.
What happens when a child is attending an independent special school?
When a child in our care is attending an independent special school they will have an EHCP and PP+ funding will not be automatically paid to the school. This is because the specialist provision being provided should be meeting all of the young person’s identified needs via their EHCP. The effectiveness and suitability of this provision will be monitored through the PEP process, the SEND review process, and any schedule of contract review meetings between the local authority and the provider. If at any stage the school identifies a need for further funding to support the child, this will be considered through the PEP and SEND review processes and in consultation with the Virtual School Head.
What happens when a child attends an independent mainstream school?
MCC will always encourage social workers to apply to state funded schools in a good position to meet the needs of the young person. However, if consultation with the Virtual School Head concludes that the child’s needs are best met at an independent, fee-paying school, then, after every effort has been made to secure available bursaries, it is the local authority which will be responsible for the payment of any school fees. In these exceptional cases, a proportion of the PP+ funding will be used to contribute towards the payment of any associated school fees.
If a child is awarded a bursary or scholarship by an independent mainstream school, any additional funding requirements which could be met by PP+ funding must be detailed within the PEP and agreed by the Virtual School Head.
Can EYPP be used to fund additional nursery hours?
EYPP should be used to enhance the Early Years experiences and educational outcomes of children. Any additional nursery hours need to be funded either by the foster carer or from social care budgets.
Will the Virtual School always approve a PP+ payment?
The Virtual School will assess whether the Pupil Premium request is appropriate to meet the needs of the young person as identified within their PEP and linked to their SMART targets. The PEP Quality Assurance Teachers will contact education settings about any queries about Pupil Premium requests. If the request is declined, the Virtual School Team is available to advise Designated Teachers about possible alternative interventions and resources to better meet the needs of the young person.
Contact us
If you have any further questions, please contact a member of the Virtual School by emailing [email protected]