We work closely with the Educational Psychology service to offer advice and guidance to educational settings for children and young people in the care of Manchester. We also provide advice, guidance and signposting for other children overseen by the Manchester Virtual School.
Children and young people overseen by Manchester Virtual School are at least four times more likely to have a special educational need or disability than those who are not looked after. Special educational needs can be broadly categorised as:
Learning Difficulties (specific, general, severe or profound)
Communication or language difficulties (speech and language, autism)
Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs
Physical and sensory difficulties (hearing, vision, physical, multi-sensory)
The Manchester Virtual School has the same ambition for children and young people with SEND as every other child in our care - to achieve their full potential in school and make a good transition into adulthood to lead successful, safe, happy, healthy and independent lives.
If a child or young person has an EHCP or is identified as being at SEN Support level, this should be considered and recorded within any appropriate plan. For example, within the PEP for the children in our care, and within other support plans for those children not in our care but supported by our other services (such as Child in Need, Child Protection or Youth Justice plans). Furthermore, for children and young people in the care of Manchester it is good practice for the annual EHCP review and that term’s PEP meeting to take place at the same time.