
At the end of Year 6, children will move to secondary school to begin the next phase of their education. Secondary education builds upon children’s prior learning to equip them with the knowledge and skills to take part in further education or enter the workforce. As in primary school, social workers, parents and carers should continue to support the education of the children in their care and ensure 100% attendance.

Key Stage 3

Years 7 - 9 (11 - 14 years old)

In KS3, children will study the following subjects as part of the national curriculum:

  • English

  • Maths

  • Science

  • History

  • Geography

  • Modern foreign languages

  • Design and Technology

  • Art and Design

  • Music

  • Physical Education (PE)

  • Citizenship

  • Computing

Schools must also provide Relationships, Sex and Health Education, and Religious Education (RE), as well as Careers Education, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)

Key Stage 4

Years 10 - 11 (14 - 16 years old)

In KS4, children will prepare to take national qualifications - usually, GCSEs. They will study a mix of core (English, Maths, Science) and foundation (Computing, Physical Education, Citizenship) subjects.

Schools must also offer at least one subject from each of these areas:

  • Arts

  • Design and Technology

  • Humanities

  • Modern Foreign Languages

They must also provide Relationships, Sex and Health Education, and Religious Education (RE), as well as Careers Education, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)

All cared for children and young people who are attending school, will have a Personal Education Plan (PEP) that is updated on a termly basis.

Transition to Post 16 Education or Employment with Training, should be planned during the child’s Year 10 and 11 PEP meetings prior to the child moving into the Post 16 phase. Where possible, staff from the receiving setting should be invited to attend the Summer PEPin Year 11 and be involved to ensure a smooth and successful transition.