Headteacher's Welcome
A very warm welcome to the Manchester Virtual School.
When a child comes into care, the local authority acts as their corporate parent, taking responsibility for their care and support. Like every parent, Manchester City Council (MCC) has high aspirations for all the children in its care. We want every child and young person to be supported to be safe, happy, healthy and successful.
The Virtual School takes a lead role in supporting MCC to promote the educational progress of children and young people in its care. We monitor their attendance, attainment and achievement to ensure they have access to a high-quality education, employment and training and achieve good educational outcomes.
We also act as a source of advice and information for parents of previously looked-after children attending educational settings within Manchester, as well as professionals within the settings themselves.
We also act as a source of advice and information to promote the education, employment and training of previously looked-after children attending educational settings within Manchester, children supported by a Manchester social worker, children in Kinship care arrangements and children supported by the Youth Justice Service.
What we do
We champion the educational needs of looked after children across the authority and those placed out of area.
We make sure that there is a system in place to monitor the attendance, attainment and progress of looked after children aged 2 to 17 years.
We make sure that all looked after children have a robust and effective Personal Education Plan (PEP) in place.
We provide high-quality training and networking sessions across all corporate parenting roles, including education settings, governors, social workers, carers and leaving care personal advisers.
We provide training for all Designated Teachers supporting a Manchester Looked After Child (aged 2-17 years) that focuses on the personal education plan process and the effective use of pupil premium.
We provide advice, guidance and training to promote the education, employment and training of previously looked-after children attending educational settings within Manchester, children supported by a Manchester social worker and children in Kinship care arrangements
We work in partnership with the Manchester Youth Justice Team to ensure all the young people they work with are fully supported in their education, employment and training via a Personal Education Plan.
I hope you find all the advice, guidance and support you need on this website. If you have any further questions, please get in touch.
We look forward to working together to ensure our children grow up healthy, happy, and equipped with the skills they need to flourish.
Jane Johnson,
Head of the Manchester Virtual School